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This is a district-wide writing capstone that all students must complete during their junior year of high school (grade 11). All students complete an essay using the given prompt and sources for that school year. The details for the '23-'24 prompt and rubric are below. We will work over the next couple of weeks to understand the prompt, sources, and organize your ideas on the topic.


In grades 9 & 10, students will practice with grade-level prompts and sources. Students will spend a mini-unit learning about the SLA and writing their essay. Each student will submit their final essay in class by the due date. The essay will be scored based on the SLA rubric, our class semester skills based rubrics, and an assessment score in the gradebook.


CCSD K-12 Literacy
Mission Statement

To develop independent and confident readers, writers, communicators and thinkers by providing every student with authentic and rigorous learning experiences through a structured, culturally responsive and evidence-based approach to literacy instruction. Through high expectations that foster college and career readiness, CCSD will ensure students have the skills to compete in today's global, knowledge-based economy.


CCSD K-12 Literacy Vision

All students in CCSD master grade level literacy skills in order to engage with all content and be college and career ready. This will be accomplished by ensuring all CCSD students have access to high quality, culturally responsive instruction.

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